Each property has its own restrictions on the value both syntactically and semantically.
In order to bind the specified style with HTML elements, name of the selector should match either the element name or the value of class attribute or the value of id attribute of the corresponding HTML element.
There are three basic types of selectors:
h1 {
font-family: verdana;
color: red;
All h1 tags will have its content displayed in verdana font and red color.
.dazzle {
color: #FF0000;
Every element with class = "dazzle" will have its content displayed in red.
#blueShade {
color: #0000FF;
Every element with id="blueShade" will have its content displayed in blue.
Descendant Selector
Now imagine, that you want to apply the style only to those
tags which are inside a
How will you go about this?
p {
color: red;
p I don't want styling here/p>
p I want styling here/p>
As you can see in the output for the given html code, the styling for p is applied to all p tags, no matter where they are inside the body.
If you replace the style tag code with this, you will see that the style applies only for the desired p tags
These type of selectors are also called Descendant selectors.
The syntax for descendant selectors is as follows:
selector1 selector2 {
property: value;
It combines two selectors in such a manner that elements which match selector2 are selected, only if their ancestor element is selector1 i.e, selector2 should be a descendant of selector1.
div span {color: olive;} span { color: black;}
span I am not a descendant /span
span I am a descendant /span
I am also a span descendant /span
Example for Specificity of Selectors
For the first p tag, the font color is green, because using type selector we have defined the same.
For the second p tag, two selectors are possible i.e. type selector and class selector. As we can see from the output, the font color is red, which means class selector was chosen over type selector.
For the third p tag, again two selectors are possible i.e. type selector and id selector. In this case, the font color being blue, we can conclude that id selector was chosen over type selector.
For the fourth p tag, three selectors are possible i.e. type, class and id. This time the id selector was chosen over type and class selector, since the font color in output is blue.
Specificity of Selectors
Thus we can see that when multiple selectors are used at the same time for the same property, only one is chosen.
This happens because CSS gives priority to the selector which is more specific*.
So we can conclude that id selector is more specific than a class selector, class selector is more specific than type selector and id selector is more specific than type selector.
Type selector < Class selector < ID selector
Usage of Id and Class Selector
As we know for styling we can use both class and id selector.
Now the question arises, if both are capable of doing the same thing, then which one to choose?
Class selector can be used multiple times in html tags which are having class attribute.
Where as id selector should be used once. This is because every HTML element has an id attribute which specifies element's unique identifier. Thus it’s value should be document-wide unique for every html page for DOM manipulation*.
After learning how to apply style for HTML elements, lets explore some more style properties.
Note: If a style needs to be applied many times in a page, one should go for class selectors.
If a style needs to be applied only once in a page, one should go for id selectors.
CSS Properties
We have already seen some of the CSS properties like font-family and color.
As you must have observed, font-family property specifies the font of an element and color specifies the color you want to apply to the font.
font-family : verdana/"Times New Roman"/Calibri/etc.
color : red/#RRGGBB (where RR(red),GG(green),BB(blue) values should range from 00 to FF)/rgb(r,g,b) (where r,g,b values should range from 0 to 255)
font-style : italic | normal |oblique
Adding CSS to HTML
There are three ways for adding CSS to an HTML page:
element style="Enter CSS property here" This is Inline CSS/element
!-- Style definition will go here --
link rel="stylesheet" href="path_to_the_css_file" type="text/css" /
Inline, Embedded and External CSS
Inline CSS is used for very small web applications where you are using very little CSS styles.
Embedded CSS is used for medium size web applications where you need to separate HTML content from CSS style, but keep them in same page, making modifications easier.
External CSS is used for large web applications when the same layout needs to be maintained for all web pages. This can be done by adding the links of the stylesheets in all the pages, enabling reuse of existing styles.
For adding CSS file in HTML page you should use link tag:css6
Scenarios Explained
If in an HTML page, an element has Inline CSS, Embedded CSS as well as External CSS, preference is always given to Inline CSS. It has priority even over id selector.
External CSS / Embedded CSS < Inline CSS
If in an HTML page, an element has Embedded CSS and External CSS with selectors of the same priority (i.e. both are element selectors, or both are class selectors, or both are id selectors):-
External CSS / Embedded CSS (The one specified last will be chosen)
External CSS / Embedded CSS (The selector with the higher priority will be chosen)
Multiple External Stylesheets
h1 {
color: red;
font-family: Times new Roman;
| | stylesheet2.css
h1 {
font-family: Monotype Corsiva;
font-weight: bold;
link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet1.css" type="text/css" /
link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet2.css" type="text/css" /
h1 h1 with style properties from two different stylesheets/h1>
When we have same element, id and class selectors in different stylesheets, and all are included in a particular page, then the common properties will be overwritten by the last stylesheet included.
h1 {
color: red;
font-family: Monotype Corsiva;
font-weight: bold;
Here font-family is overwritten by stylesheet2.css.
Div and Span
Often times we may need to apply the same style to a group of HTML elements. This can be done either by using span or div element
Inside the div but outside of span
Inside the span
is used for providing a similar style for a block, but if we need some special style for a section of the
div we should use
Media Queries
Till now we have learnt CSS to create webpages only for desktops. The same page may not be feasible for optimal viewing in media/devices like mobiles, tabs etc.
To enable optimal viewing on all resolutions(responsiveness), @media queries were introduced in CSS.
@media not|only mediatype and (media feature:value) {
selector {
properties: value;
} }
only keyword prevents the old browsers that do not support media queries from applying the given style and not keyword is used to negate the whole media query.
link rel="stylesheet" media="not|only mediatype and (media feature:value)" href="mediaStylesheet.css"
Note: Both only and not are not compulsory to use.
Let us now understand the syntax of media queries
Every media query should start with @media.
If a query is true then that particular style will be applied, otherwise not.
@media only screen and (max-width: 500px) {
body {
background-color: silver;
In the above example, the style specified for body will be applied when the mediatype is a screen and max-width of the screen is less than or equal to 500 pixel.
As we can only provide and operator in between mediatype and media feature, so if any of the condition fails, that particular style (if External CSS, then stylesheet) will not be applied.
Media Queries Using External CSS
link rel="stylesheet" href="mediaStylesheet1.css"
media='screen and (min-width:701px) and (max-bwidth:900px)' /
link rel="stylesheet" href="mediaStylesheet2.css" media='screen and max-width: 500px)' /
Note: We can combine multiple media queries by separating them using ' , ' operator which acts like an 'or' operator. It will return true if any one of the media queries return true.
"not " will negate the entire media query/queries when it is applied to a comma separated list of media queries irrespective to which particular query it has been applied
CSS Box Model
Every element in HTML is treated as a rectangular box. Be it a p tag, or an h1 tag.
Now imagine the h1 tag as a box.
This box is now used for everything, for the content, for the margin, for the border and for the padding.
This scenario of considering every HTML element to be surrounded by a box is called CSS Box Model.
CSS box model describes a rectangular box with specified dimensions and positioning scheme for each element
Properties for box like size (width, height), border, margin and padding helps us in knowing the overall dimension of the box
The attribute position helps to specify the positioning scheme of the box
Following are the areas present inside a CSS Box :
Boundary of each area is called an edge.
Follow these steps to explore box model:
Select some text or image, right-click on the webpage and select Inspect option
On the right hand side you will see box model of the selected element
Select other elements and observe the changes
p {
font-size: x-large;
margin: 200px;
padding: 50px;
border: 25px solid navy;
body p Just CSS!!/p /body
Margin and Padding
CSS Units
Units such as px are used for length values for properties like width, margin, padding, font-size, border-width etc.
There are two types of length units in CSS:
Example: px(pixel), cm(centimeter), mm(millimeter), in(inches), pt(point), pc(picas)
Example: %, em, rem etc.
CSS position property specifies the positioning of an element.
Value of the position property indicates the positioning scheme.
Values can be any one of the following:-
static : it is the default positioning of all elements; elements are laid out according to the normal flow. i.e. stacked one below the other; normally this is never specified
relative : similar to static except that elements can be shifted using top, bottom, left and right properties
absolute : elements are taken out of the normal flow of the page and positioned absolutely
fixed : elements are fixed at a location and are unaffected by scrolling
Let us understand more with the help of an example
Static Positioning
Let us first understand the static value of position attribute. On modifying #content1 in style.css as given:
#content1 {
position: static;
top: 0px;
right: 0px;
margin-left: 150px;
width: 700px;
height: 40px;
background-color: #FFE4B3;
border: solid 2px #FFD280;
When we specify position:static, we can see that the position of the div with id #content1 does not change and remains as it was before, even though we have specified the top and right values for it.
This shows that static is indeed the default positioning of all elements in an HTML page.
Absolute Positioning