From past few years, the data generation, storage and analysis has been increasing tremendously. Traditional databases cannot deal with flexible data storage and the cost of scaling up is also high.
Enterprises need an infrastructure with the following capabilities to address these challenges:
This course introduces you to MongoDB which is a free and open source NoSQL document database that provides an infrastructure with the above capabilities. In addition, MongoDB is suitable for heavy read operations.
It mainly focuses on MongoDB query language for document level operations, aggregation framework and indexes.
Business requirements change over time, affecting the data models and associated schemas in relational databases. MongoDB offers flexible schema to tackle this issue.
Appendix :
To manage an eCommerce system, a product catalog is needed that represents each product category with its respective attributes.
While using RDBMS, you need to create tables for each product category as shownAlso, schema needs to be defined upfront before loading the data.
RDBMS handles different data models by creating individual tables for each of them.
This results in huge number of tables in the database.
RDBMS cannot handle schema(table structure) changes in the tables efficiently.
MongoDB addresses this challenge by offering a flexible schema. All the products irrespective of the schema can be stored using a single entity as shown:
Popularity of MongoDB
MongoDB gained popularity with its flexible schema, scalability and document oriented NoSQL capabilities. In 2013, MongoDB was acclaimed as the "Database Management System of the Year" by DB-Engines.
The Forrester Wave™: Big Data NoSQL, Q3 2016 whitepaper named MongoDB as a leader amongst popular NoSQL databases.
The whitepaper also lists the following facts about MongoDB:
Some of the real world scenarios where MongoDB has found its place:
It supports schema at the document level, that can vary from one document to another. It does not have a fixed structure defined at the collection level
It has rich query language that supports CRUD operations, aggregation, text search and so on
As documents can be embedded within each other, it does not need complex joins.
It also provides support for indexes for faster querying
As data is stored across multiple machines, it is horizontally scalable. Sharding distributes the data across multiple machines
Zoiva is an eCommerce system that sells products online based on customer needs. It maintains a product catalog consisting of more than 10 million products stored in relational database.
With RDBMS Zoiva faces the following challenges:
Zoiva decided to migrate their product catalog to MongoDB to address these challenges. To achieve the same, the development team needs to implement the following requirements:
Before developing the product catalog, MongoDB needs to be installed.
Installation and configuration of MongoDB
As a part of the exploratory exercises, try out the following:
Find out the version of MongoDB that is running [Hint: Version] : db.version()
Change the default data path where MongoDB stores its data. [Hint: Data path]
In certain cases, if MongoDB server shuts down unexpectedly and is not able to start again. What is the command to recover from such scenarios? [Hint: Repair]
The basic building blocks of MongoDB are:
The datatypes supported in MongoDB are string, number, array, boolean, date, float and so on.
The development team created a collection to represent the product catalog for Zoiva. Here is a sample:
First, you need to create a database for Zoiva
use Zoiva
Use insert operation to add new documents to a collection. If a collection does not exist, the insert operation will create one.
db.collection.insert( { field: value, field: value })To check all Collection
In this section, you will see how to insert document/s into product_catalog collection.
To insert a single document into the product_catalog collection:
db.product_catalog.insert( { prodid: 7000001, prodname: "iphone 7", manufacturer: "apple", categories: { main:"electronics", sub:"smartphones" }, date_of_launch: new Date("2016-09-07"), price: 60000, colors: ["silver","black","gold","rosegold"] })
Alternatively, db.collection.insertOne() command can be used to insert one document at a time.
To insert multiple documents into the product_catalog collection:
db.product_catalog.insert ([ { prodid:7000010, prodname:"nosql distilled", publisher:"Addison-Wesley", ISBN:1234567, price:400 }, { prodid:7000011, prodname:"big data: principles and best practices", publisher:"Dreamtech", price:700 } ] )
Alternatively, db.collection.insertMany() can be used for multiple documents insertion into the collection.
Now that the documents have been inserted, next you will see how to query by applying various conditions.
db.product_catalog.insertMany ( [ { "prodid": 7000002, "prodname": "Java", "publisher": "Oracle", "version": "", "price": 400 }, { "prodid": 7000003, "prodname": "Sql edveloper", "publisher": "Oracle", "description": "to connect to database RDMS" }, { "prodid": 7000004, "prodname": "db visualizer", "publisher": "IBM", "description": "to connect to database ICOMS", "jar": { "isJarRequired": true, "jar": "As400", "version": 10.1 }, "version": 9.11 } ])
You can use find operation to retrieve documents from the collection.
In this section, you will be doing the following:
{ <<query criteria>> },
{ <<projection criteria>> }
Consider this sample data:
prodid: 7000001,
prodname: "iphone 7",
manufacturer: "apple",
categories: {main:"electronics",sub:"smartphones"},
date_of_launch: new Date("2016-09-07"),
price: 60000,
colors: ["silver","black","gold","rosegold"]
You will be implementing different read operations on this data next.
To retrieve all the documents from the collection:
- db.product_catalog.find()
You can use db.collection.find().pretty() to display the result in a formatted manner.
Retrieve only the prodname and its price of all the documents
{ },
{ prodname:1, price:1 }
You would have observed that the _id field will always be displayed. In order to suppress it use the following command:
{ },
{ _id:0, prodname:1, price:1 }
{ manufacturer:"apple" }
Retrieve the documents that either does not contain colors field or null value for that field
Using equality filter:
{ colors:null }
Using existence check: ( to check the key is present or not)
{ colors: {$exists:true} }
The categories field is an embedded document. The below query retrieves the details of the products whose main category is 'electronics':
{ "categories.main":"electronics" }
The colors field is an array. To retrieve the names of the products that are available in 'gold' color:
{ colors:"gold" }, -- filter
{ prodname:1 } -- project
NOTE: By default, 20 documents can be retrieved at a time. To retrieve specific number of documents at a time, for example: 3 documents, set the shell batch size using the following command:
DBQuery.shellBatchSize=3Then, use it at the shell to fetch the next batch of documents.
To retrieve the names of the products that falls under the 'smartphones' sub category:
{ "categories.sub":{$eq:"smartphones"} },
{ _id:0,prodname:1 }
To retrieve the product names having price less than '25000':
{ price:{$lt:25000} },
{ _id:0,prodname:1 }
Retrieve the documents that have values other than 'electronics' for the main category:
{ "categories.main":{$ne:"electronics"} }
Retrieve the products where colors field has exactly two elements – 'white' and 'black' in the order specified:
{ colors: ["white", "black"] }
Query for documents that contain exactly 2 elements for the colors field:
{ colors:{ $size:2 } }
Retrieve the documents containing both the elements 'white' and 'gold' in the colors field, irrespective of the order or presence of other elements:
{ colors : { $all : ["white", "gold"] } }
Retrieve the documents where revisedYears array field contains atleast one element that is both greater than '2015' and less than or equal to '2017':
{ revisedYears: { $elemMatch: { $gt: 2015, $lte: 2017 } } }
Querying using logical operators
Retrieve the details of the 'smartphones' whose price is less than '25000'[inclusive]:
{ "categories.sub":"smartphones" },
{ price:{$lte:25000} }
Retrieve the details of the products whose price is greater than or equal to '80000' or products whose manufacturer is 'apple':
{ $or: [
{ price: { $gte: 80000 } },
{ manufacturer: "apple" }
Retrieve the products where the ISBN value is not equal to 2343454:
{ ISBN: { $not: { $eq: 2343454 } }
$not retrieves documents if ISBN field does not exist also.
You can match patterns via regular expressions for string matching during querying.
{ <field>: { $regex: /pattern/, $options: '<options>' } }
{ <field>: { $regex: 'pattern', $options: '<options>' } }
{ <field>: { $regex: /pattern/<options> } }
{ <field>: /pattern/<options> }
The $options clause takes the following as parameters:
Search for the products whose prodname starts with iphone:
db.product_catalog.find( { prodname:{ $regex:/^iphone/i } } ) db.product_catalog.find( { prodname:{ $regex: /^very/, $options: ‘i’ } } )
Update operation
Update operation allows users to modify the existing documents in a collection whenever a change occurs. A criteria or filters needs to be specified.
db.collection.update( |
{ prodname : "hadoop application architectures" },
{ $set: { "name" : "Hadoop architecture" } }
Update multiple embedded documentsdb.product_catalog.updateMany( {"categories.gender":"women"}, { $set: {"categories.gender":"female"} } )Using upsert to update documents else insert
db.product_catalog.updateMany( { "price" : { $gt : 80000 }, "manufacturer" : "apple" }, { $set: { "prodname" : "iphone 7 plus" } }, { upsert: true } )The operation updates all the documents with price greater than '80000' and manufacturer 'apple'. If there are no documents matching the given criteria, a new document would be inserted.
db.product_catalog.update( { ISBN: 1979891 }, { $inc: { price: -20 } } )$max
db.product_catalog.update( { prodid: 7000022 }, { $max: { price: 27500 } } )
db.product_catalog.update{ { prodid: 7000022 }, { $unset: {colors: ""} } )
db.product_catalog.update( { prodid: 7000020 }, { $addToSet: { colors: "white" } } )$addToSet ensures that the values inserted are unique
db.product_catalog.update( { prodid: 7000020 }, { $pop: { colors: -1 } } )Bulk write operation
Delete all occurences of 'white' and 'gold' from the colors array:
{ prodid: 7000020 },
{ $pullAll: { colors: ['white','gold'] } }
Delete operation
Delete operation allows you to delete the documents from a collection that is no longer valid.
You can specify criteria or filters to delete documents.
{ <<remove criteria>> }
Requirement 2.4 implementation
Delete the product with prodname 'xperia z':
prodname: "xperia z"
To delete all the products having price less than '1000':
db.product_catalog.remove( { price: {$lt : 1000 } } )
To delete all the documents from the product_catalog collection:
db.product_catalog.remove( {} )
Alternatively, db.collection.deleteMany() is used for deleting multiple documents matching the given criteria.
You can also do bulk write operation to perform multiple inserts, updates, deletes on a collection through a single query.
The following write operations are supported:
In the below query, you will insert a new document with prodid '200025', update the price of 'galaxy 7' from '45000' to '40000' and deletes all the mobiles that comes under the 'smartphones' sub category whose price is less than '4000'
{ insertOne :
"document" :
"prodid":200025,"prodname":"MacBook Air","manufacturer":"apple","price":56000
{ updateOne :
"filter" : { "prodname" : "galaxy 7" },
"update" : { $inc: {"price" : -5000 } }
{ deleteMany :
{ "filter" :
"categories.sub" : "smartphones",
"price": { $lt: 4000 }
Insert the product_catalog dataset provided in the artifacts download into a collection and then perform the following:
{ prodname : 1 , price:1}
db.product_catalog.aggregate ({ $match:
{ price : { $lte:60000 ,$gte : 40000 } },
{ category : "WashingMachine" }
{ $sort:
{ prodname : 1 }
db.product_catalog.find( {
{ price : { $lte:60000 ,$gte : 40000 } },
{category:"WashingMachine" }
] } )
.sort({prodname:1} )
db.product_catalog.find({$and : [ {$or : [ {publisher:"apple"},{publisher:"Samsung"} ]}, {category:"Mobile"}, {price:{$lt:60000} } ]}) })
Exercise 2: CRUD operations
1. db.product_catalog.find( { "categories.sub": "smartphones" }, {_id:0,prodname:1,price:1} )
2. db.product_catalog.find( { $and: [ {"categories.sub": "washing machine" }, { price: { $gte: 10000, $lte: 20000 } } ] } ).sort( {prodname:1} )
3. db.product_catalog.find( { $and: [ { manufacturer: {$in: ["apple","samsung"] } }, { price: {$lte:60000 } } ] } )
4. db.product_catalog.find( { publisher:{ $regex:/^O'Reilly/i } } )
Requirement 3: Using Aggregation
Aggregation methods in MongoDB
Similar to SQL, aggregation is used to perform computations on a set of documents to return a single result.
You can perform aggregation in three ways in MongoDB:
Implement Map-Reduce programming
Consider the product_catalog collection where you need to find the total price of products for each manufacturer.
Only fields such as manufacturer and price are required to execute the above query. These are emitted as a key-value pair using the map function.
map = function() {The reduce function aggregates the results obtained from the map function.
reduce = function(key,values) {The above functions are then used in the map-reduce command of MongoDB as shown:
db.product_catalog.mapReduce( map, reduce, { out:{inline:1} } )The inline option displays the results on the screen. Instead, results can be stored into another collection as shown below:
db.product_catalog.mapReduce( map,reduce,{ out: "countPdts" }The query discussed in map-reduce programming for finding the total price of products for each manufacturer can be performed using a single aggregate function group() as shown below: {We have other single purpose functions such as distinct() and count().
Here, you can perform only one aggregation operation at a time.
Work with aggregation pipeline operatordb.product_catalog.aggregate( [ { $project: { _id:0, manufacturer:1, price:1 } }, { $group: { _id: "$manufacturer", totalPrice: { $sum: "$price" } } } ] )
More examples
- Sort the collection with ename field ascending.
db.employee.aggregate( [ { $sort: {ename:1} } ] )
- Display the total count of products whose price is greater than '5000' and less than '25000'
db.product_catalog.aggregate( [ { $match : { price : { $gt: 5000, $lt: 25000 } } }, { $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $project: { _id:0, count:1 } } ] )
- Store the first five highest priced products in a new collection named HighPricePdts
db.product_catalog.aggregate( [ { $sort : { price: -1 } }, { $limit: 5}, { $out: "HighPricePdts"} ] )
- Concatenate the prodname and the manufacturer
db.product_catalog.aggregate( [{$project: {prodman: { $concat:[ "$prodname"," - ","$manufacturer" ] }}}] )
Return a document for each color in the colors array and randomly select 3 documentsdb.product_catalog.aggregate( [ { $unwind : "$colors" } , { $sample: { size: 3 } } ] )
- Return the first and the last element in the colors array
db.product_catalog.aggregate( [ { $project: { prodname: 1, first: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$colors", 0 ] }, last: { $arrayElemAt: [ "$colors", -1] } } } ] )
- Retrieve the documents with date_of_launch in the format yyyy-mm-dd
db.product_catalog.aggregate( [ { $project: { _id:0, prodname:1, launchdate: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d",date: "$date_of_launch" } } } } ] )SQL to MongoDB aggregation Mapping chartProblemStatement:
Insert the below documents into the employee collection
{ eid:111, ename:"Akaash", loc:"BNG", salary:25000 } { eid:222, ename:"Alok", loc:"CHD", salary:52000 } { eid:333, ename:"Amar", loc:"BNG", salary:20000 } { eid:444, ename:"Akbar", loc:"MYS", salary:60000 } { eid:555, ename:"Anthony", loc:"CHD", salary:35000 }Below are the SQL aggregation statements. Write the MongoDB equivalent of it.
- SELECT loc,SUM(salary) AS total FROM employee GROUP BY loc
db.employee.aggregate({$project : {loc :1 ,salary:1}},{ $group: { _id: "$loc",total: { $sum: "$salary" }}})
- SELECT loc,count(*) FROM employee GROUP BY loc HAVING count(*) > 1
db.employee.aggregate([ { $group: {_id: "$loc",count: { $sum: 1 }} },{ $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } }] )Requirement 4: Using indexes to enhance performanceAnalyze query performance using explain()Consider a query that retrieves products whose price ranges between '5000' and '20000'. Performance for queries based on indexed and non-indexes fields can be analysed using the explain("executionStats") method as shown below:db.product_catalog.find( { price: { $gte: 5000, $lte: 20000 } } ).explain("executionStats")Query with no index
The query plan returns the following result without the price field being indexed:
As seen above, the entire collection of 24 documents is scanned and only 5 documents have been retrieved.
Query with Index
The query plan returns the following result with the price field being indexed:
As seen above, only 5 index entries and documents matching the query criteria are scanned
Using indexes, only those documents matching the given query are scanned whereas without indexes, every document needs to be scanned.
Work with indexesSingle field index
Create an index on the price field that is frequently used for querying products in the catalog for faster retrieval.
db.product_catalog.createIndex( { price:-1 } )Compound index
The below query retrieves the list of products with price less than '5000' and rating is 4:
db.product_catalog.find( { price:{ $lt:5000 }, rating: 4 } )To support the above query efficiently, you can create an index on the fields used in the above query:db.product_catalog.createIndex( { price:1, rating:-1 } )Multikey index
For efficiently querying array fields, multikey index can be created.
The below query indexes elements in ascending order of colors field which is an array in the product_catalog collection.
db.product_catalog.createIndex( { colors:1 } )Text index
In the application, customers would like to perform text based searches, for example: search for either the main category such as 'electronics' or more specifically sub category such as 'smartphones'. Text indexes can be used for this purpose.
First, a text index is created and then $text operator is used to perform text search on the indexed field.
db.product_catalog.createIndex( { categories:"text" } )Now, the above index can be used to retrieve the details of 'smartphones':db.product_catalog.find( { $text:{ $search:"smartphones" } } )Drop index
An index on colors can be dropped using either the index name or the index field.
db.product_catalog.dropIndex( "colors_1" )ordb.product_catalog.dropIndex( { colors:1 } )Exercise 4 : ProblemStatement:
As an exploratory exercise, perform the following:
Ensure that the product names are not duplicated [UniqueIndex]
Assume, Zoiva has announced a sale for certain set of mobiles for one hour from the time it has started the sale. The saleDate field for the mobile products are set to the current time. Delete the mobile products automatically after the sale time is over. The time limit being 1 hour. [TTLIndex]
MongoDB BSON typesThe below table contains the various types of data supported in BSON and their corresponding number and string alias that can be used while querying the documents.
To retrieve the products whose rating field is of 'Null' datatype, either of the below commands can be used:db.product_catalog.find( { rating: { $type:10 } } )ordb.product_catalog.find( { rating: { $type:"null" } } )Query and projection operatorsBelow are the various query and projection operators available in MongoDB.
Comparison Query Operators
Logical Query Operators
Element Query Operators
Array Query Operators
Query and projection operatorsExercise 5 : ProblemStatement:
Write the MongoDB equivalent of the following:
SELECT * FROM product_catalog WHERE publisher!= 'Shroff';
SELECT * FROM product_catalog WHERE (price>=1000 AND price<=20000) OR (manufacturer IN('nike','reebok'));
Query for documents in the 'shoes' category that contains exactly 2 colors
- Remove books whose ISBN is neither 2323232 nor 1979891
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise 5: Query and projection operators ============================================ 1(1) db.product_catalog.find( { publisher: {$ne:"Shroff"} } ) 1(2) db.product_catalog.find( { $or: [ { price: {$gte:1000, $lte:20000} }, {manufacturer: { $in: [ "nike", "reebok" ] } } ] } ).pretty() 2. db.product_catalog.find( { "categories.main": "shoes", colors:{ $size:2 } } ) 3. db.product_catalog.remove( { "categories.main": "books", ISBN: { $nin: [2323232,1979891] } } ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update Operators
There are various update operators available and are as follows:
Field Update Operators
Array Update Operators
Array Update Modifiers
Exercise 6 : ProblemStatement:
Update the color 'black' to 'jet black' in the colors array without specifying its position
Update 'iphone 7' date_of_launch to today's date
Rename the prodname to productname for all the documents in the collection
Add new colors 'red' and 'purple' at the beginning of the array for 'nike' products
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise 6: Update operators ============================== 1. db.product_catalog.updateMany( {colors:'black'}, { $set:{ 'colors.$': 'jet black' } } ) 2. db.product_catalog.update({prodname:"iphone 7"},{ $currentDate:{date_of_launch:true}}) 3. db.product_catalog.updateMany({},{$rename:{"prodname":"productname"}}) 4. db.product_catalog.updateMany( {manufacturer:"nike"}, {$push:{colors:{$each:["red","purple"],$position:0} } } )-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solutions :Exercise 1: Installation and configuration of MongoDB ====================================================== 1. db.version() 2. Suppose, the data path is /user/sahana_basavaraja/MongoDBPath Then, the command to change the default data path is mongod --dbpath /user/sahana_basavaraja/MongoDBPath 3. mongod --repair -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Exercise 2: CRUD operations =========================== 1. db.product_catalog.find( { "categories.sub": "smartphones" }, {_id:0,prodname:1,price:1} ) 2. db.product_catalog.find( { $and: [ {"categories.sub": "washing machine" }, { price: { $gte: 10000, $lte: 20000 } } ] } ).sort( {prodname:1} ) 3. db.product_catalog.find( { $and: [ { manufacturer: {$in: ["apple","samsung"] } }, { price: {$lte:60000 } } ] } ) 4. db.product_catalog.find( { publisher:{ $regex:/^O'Reilly/i } } ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise 3: SQL to MongoDB aggregation mapping chart ===================================================== 1. db.employee.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$loc", total: { $sum: "$salary" } } } ] ) 2. db.employee.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: "$loc", count: { $sum: 1 } } }, { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 } } } ] ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise 5: Query and projection operators ============================================ 1(1) db.product_catalog.find( { publisher: {$ne:"Shroff"} } ) 1(2) db.product_catalog.find( { $or: [ { price: {$gte:1000, $lte:20000} }, {manufacturer: { $in: [ "nike", "reebok" ] } } ] } ).pretty() 2. db.product_catalog.find( { "categories.main": "shoes", colors:{ $size:2 } } ) 3. db.product_catalog.remove( { "categories.main": "books", ISBN: { $nin: [2323232,1979891] } } ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exercise 6: Update operators ============================== 1. db.product_catalog.updateMany( {colors:'black'}, { $set:{ 'colors.$': 'jet black' } } ) 2. db.product_catalog.update({prodname:"iphone 7"},{ $currentDate:{date_of_launch:true}}) 3. db.product_catalog.updateMany({},{$rename:{"prodname":"productname"}}) 4. db.product_catalog.updateMany( {manufacturer:"nike"}, {$push:{colors:{$each:["red","purple"],$position:0} } } ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional referencesProblemStatement:
Real life scenario: Customer entitlement portfolio for a networking majorA major client is a leading provider of networking products. It has multiple RDBMS systems to manage servicecontracts for the various hardware and software products it has sold to customers.
The company’s RDBMS strategy has spawned multiple systems for each region.
Each region’s customers and the products they have purchased are captured in RDBMS.
There are a billion documents of this installed base of products.
Companies have service contracts on these installed products. Each service contract
for the covered products has a list of entitlements that are owed to a customer. Each customer
also has multiple users from its organization, who have various roles assigned to them under
each covered product in a contract. Some of these roles can be 'admin', 'user', 'audit', 'reports'.
This entire system is called Entitlement System.
RDBMS systems was not able to scale to hundreds of millions of contracts, products and
tens of millions of customers. MongoDB is used to merge all this data on a single platform
to achieve a single view of the customer.
In this assignment, you will be working on the sample data sets of the Entitlement System
- Create a database named Entitlement and insert the given collections [Use Source code]
Find the number of active contracts [Hint: Active Contract defines any contract which has the end date greater than the current date]
Identify the methods entitled for an 'audit' role
Retrieve the user details where the username starts with 'telecom'
Find the maximum used product [Hint: Use installedbase collection]
Find all the contracts that are expiring in the next one month
Update the address of 'bigdatasoft' customer as address: {city: "BrisbaneIL", country: "Australia"}
Output a document for each element in the methods_entitled array from the roles collection into RoleMethods collection
Add another product 'si-erp-SAP' to the userToProduct collection having '_id=114'
- What are the indexes which will improve the performance of queries in this scenario
As an exploratory exercise, perform the following:
[Hint: Use $lookup aggregate operator for the below queries]
Find all active contracts and the methods entitled with it. Display the contractid and the methods_entitled
Find all the products for a given customer
- Find all the customers for a given produc
db.getCollection('orders').aggregate( [ { $project: { doc: "$$ROOT", year: { $year: "$created" }, month: { $month: "$created" }, day: { $dayOfMonth: "$created" } } }, { $match : { "month" : 4, "year": 2016 } }
you want all the orders which are created in April 2016 you can use below query.
db.getCollection('orders').aggregate( [ { $project: { doc: "$$ROOT", year: { $year: "$created" }, month: { $month: "$created" }, day: { $dayOfMonth: "$created" } } }, { $match : { "month" : 4, "year": 2016 }}])
> db.specificMonthDemo.aggregate([ {$project: { StudentName: 1, StudentDateOfBirth:{$month: '$StudentDateOfBirth'}}}, {$match: {StudentDateOfBirth: 01}} ]).pretty();
Source co
use Entitlement db.customers.insert({_id:1, custs: {city:"Bangalore", country:"INDIA"} }); db.customers.insert({_id:2, custname: "stayinhotels", address: {city:"Mumbai", country:"INDIA"} }); db.customers.insert({_id:3, custname: "randompublish",address: {city:"NewDelhi", country:"INDIA"} }); db.customers.insert({_id:4, custname: "justpearls", add {city:"Hyderabad", country:"INDIA"} }); db.customers.insert({_id:5, custname: "jaguarmotors", address: {city:"London", country:"UK"} }); db.customers.insert({_id:6, custname: "bigdatasoft", address: {city:"PaloAlto", country:"USA"} }); db.customers.insert({_id:7, custname: "telecomair", address: {city:"Sydney", country:"AUSTRALIA"} }); db.users.insert({_id:101, username: "megaretailadmin", custid: 1 }); db.users.insert({_id:102, username: "megaretailuser", custid: 1 }); db.users.insert({_id:103, username: "stayinhotelsadmin", custid: 2 }); db.users.insert({_id:104, username: "stayinhotelsuser", custid: 2 }); db.users.insert({_id:105, username: "randompublishadmin", custid: 3 }); db.users.insert({_id:106, username: "randompublishuser", custid: 3 }); db.users.insert({_id:107, username: "justpearlsadmin", custid: 4 }); db.users.insert({_id:108, username: "justpearlsuser", custid: 4 }); db.users.insert({_id:109, username: "jaguarmotorsadmin", custid: 5 }); db.users.insert({_id:110, username: "jaguarmotorsuser", custid: 5 }); db.users.insert({_id:111, username: "bigdatasoftadmin", custid: 6 }); db.users.insert({_id:112, username: "bigdatasoftuser", custid: 6 }); db.users.insert({_id:113, username: "telecomairadmin", custid: 7 }); db.users.insert({_id:114, username: "telecomairuser", custid: 7 }); db.roles.insert({_id:11, rolename: "admin", methods_entitled : ["create","drop"] }); db.roles.insert({_id:12, rolename: "user", methods_entitled : ["insert","update","delete"] }); db.roles.insert({_id:13, rolename: "audit", methods_entitled : ["audit"] }); db.roles.insert({_id:14, rolename: "report", methods_entitled : ["read"] }); db.roles.insert({_id:15, rolename: "support", methods_entitled : ["tickets"] }); 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db.userToContract.insert({_id:101, contractids: [501, 502] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:102, contractids: [502] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:103, contractids: [503,504,505] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:104, contractids: [504,505] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:105, contractids: [506] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:106, contractids: [506] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:107, contractids: [507] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:108, contractids: [507] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:109, contractids: [508] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:110, contractids: [508] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:111, contractids: [509] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:112, contractids: [509] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:113, contractids: [510] }); db.userToContract.insert({_id:114, contractids: [510] }); db.userRoleContract.insert({_id:101, contractids: [501, 502], roles: ["admin", "audit"] }); db.userRoleContract.insert({_id:102, contractids: [502], roles: ["user", "report", "support"] }); 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db.userRoleContract.insert({_id:113, contractids: [510], roles : ["admin" ] }); db.userRoleContract.insert({_id:114, contractids: [510], roles : ["admin","audit","user","report", "support" ] }); db.serviceline.insert ({_id:601, contractid: 501, serviceline :"datacenter" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:602, contractid: 502, serviceline :"networks" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:603, contractid: 503, serviceline :"analytics" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:604, contractid: 504, serviceline :"networks" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:605, contractid: 505, serviceline :"datacenter" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:606, contractid: 506, serviceline :"networks" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:607, contractid: 507, serviceline :"analytics" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:608, contractid: 508, serviceline :"systemsintegration" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:609, contractid: 509, serviceline :"systemsintegration" }) db.serviceline.insert ({_id:610, contractid: 510, serviceline :"networks" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:801,serviceline_id: 601, product:"datacenter_bridge" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:802, serviceline_id: 602,product:"network_router" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:803,serviceline_id: 603, product:"hadoop-hiveDW" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:804, serviceline_id: 604,product:"network_router" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:805,serviceline_id: 605, product:"datacenter_switch" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:806,serviceline_id: 606, product:"network_router" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:807,serviceline_id: 607, product:"hadoop-hiveDW" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:808,serviceline_id: 608, product:"si-eai" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:809,serviceline_id: 609, product:"si-erp-SAP" }) db.installedbase.insert({_id:810,serviceline_id: 610, product:"network_router" }) db.userToProduct.insert({_id:101, product: ["datacenter_bridge", "network_router"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:102, product: ["network_router"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:103, product: ["hadoop-hiveDW","network_router","datacenter_switch"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:104, product: ["network_router", "datacenter_switch"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:105, product: ["network_router"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:106, product: ["network_router"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:107, product: ["hadoop-hiveDW"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:108, product: ["hadoop-hiveDW"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:109, product: ["si-eai"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:110, product: ["si-eai"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:111, product: ["si-erp-SAP"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:112, product: ["si-erp-SAP"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:113, product: ["network_router"] }); db.userToProduct.insert({_id:114, product: ["network_router"] });