Spring ins

Divnesh BLOG

  • Spring is a popular open source Java application development framework created by Rod Johnson. Spring supports developing any kind of Java applications such as standalone applications, web applications, database driven applications and many more.
  • The basic objective of the framework was to reduce the complexity involved in the development of enterprise applications. But today Spring is not limited to enterprise application development, many projects are available under Spring umbrella to develop different kind of applications of today’s need such as cloud based applications, mobile applications, batch application etc.
  • Spring framework helps in developing a loosely coupled application which is simple, easily testable, reusable and maintainable.
  • The basic Spring Framework is organized as loosely coupled modules, development team can choose modules based on the need. The fundamental module of framework is the core container providing core functionalities on which all other Spring modules/projects are based.
In this course, we will be using a simple Report Generation application scenario for learning the Spring core concepts.
Report Generation application is basically designed to generate reports in different formats such as PDF and HTML.
The application architecture is as shown below:
Application description
  1. ReportGenerator : Interface with generateReport() method for report generation.
  2. HTMLReportGenerator : Class for implementing ReportGenerator interface to generate report in Html format.
  3. PDFReportGenerator: Class for implementing the ReportGenerator interface to generate the report in Pdf format.
  4. ReportService: Class to provide report generation service to the client by using HTMLReportGenerator/PDFReportGenerator class.
  5. Client: Class with client code to access report generation service to generate the report in PDF/HTML format.
why spring?
Let us consider an application scenario of generating a report in different formats such as PDF/HTML using Java.
Consider the following code:
ReportGenerator.java --> Interface
  1. package com.infosys.demo;
  2. public interface ReportGenerator {
  3. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage);
  4. }
 HTMLReportGenerator.java --> Implementation class for generating HTML reports
  1. package com.infosys.demo;
  2. public class HTMLReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
  3. @Override
  4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
  5. return "Generated HTML Report with " + recordsPerPage + "records";
  6. }
  7. }

PDFReportGenerator.java --> Implementation class for generating PDF reports
  1. package com.infosys.demo;
  2. public class PDFReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
  3. @Override
  4. public String generateReport( int recordsPerPage) {
  5. return "Generated PDF Report with " + recordsPerPage + "records";
  6. }
  7. }
ReportService .java --> Service class to provide report generation service
  1. package com.infosys.demo;
  2. public class ReportService {
  3. ReportGenerator master = new HTMLReportGenerator(); // Line1
  4. int recordsPerPage = 100;
  5. public void generateReport() {
  6. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
  7. }
  8. }
Client.java --> Client code to access the report service
  1. package com.infosys.demo;
  2. public class Client {
  3. public static void main(String[] args) {
  4. ReportService service = new ReportService();
  5. service.generateReport();
  6. }
  7. }
In the above code,
  • ReportService is responsible for instantiating dependent HTMLReportGenerator instance using the new operator to generate the report in an appropriate format.
  • If the pdf report needs to be generated then Line1 of ReportServichas to be modified because this application is tightly coupled.
Refer complete source code of Report Generation application implemented using Java (demo1-report-generation-java-application) from downloaded demos.

Are we developing a loosely coupled application in the above scenario?

Answer is No, because code change is required for any changes to the dependencies. In a traditional way, it is the application developer responsibility to manage the application object life cycle along with its dependencies. Hence the application code is not completely loosely coupled which results in more complexity as the application grows bigger.

Is it possible to make an application more loosely coupled ?

Yes, this can be done by moving the application object life cycle management responsibility to the third party such as a framework. Inversion of control(IoC) is the approach used to achieve this, there are different implementations for IoC and Spring Framework provides IoC implementation using Dependency Injection(DI).

Spring's Dependency Injection features makes an application loosely coupled by moving object dependencies away from the application to the Spring container. Now the container manages objects and its dependencies allowing developer to focus more on application code.

You will be learning Dependency Injection.

Note: Inversion of Control (IoC) represents the inversion of application responsibility of object's creation, initialization, dependency and destruction from the application to the third party.

Spring Framework

Spring Framework is an open source Java application development framework which supports developing all types of Java applications such as enterprise applications, web applications, cloud based applications and many more.
Java applications developed using Spring are simpleeasily testablereusable and maintainable.
Spring modules does not have tight coupling on each other, developer can pick and choose the modules as per the need for building an enterprise application.

Main features of the Spring Framework.

pring Feature
Light Weight
Spring JARs are relatively small.
A basic Spring framework would be lesser than 10MB.
It can be deployed in Tomcat and they do not require heavy-weight application servers.
The application is developed using POJOs.
No need to extend /implement any pre-defined classes.
Loosely Coupled
Spring features like Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming help in loosely coupled code.
Inversion of Control(IoC)
IoC takes care of the application object's life cycle along with their dependencies.
Spring Container
Spring Container takes care of object creation, initialization, and managing object dependencies.
Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)
Promotes separation of supporting functions(concerns) such as logging, transaction, and security from the core business logic of the application.

Invasive feature mandates the user to implement/extend framework-specific classes/interfaces making the application tightly coupled. However, the Non-Invasive feature of Spring prevents the user to extend/implement any class/interface for Spring support.

Spring Framework - Modules

Spring Framework 5.x has the following key module groups:
  • Core Container: These are core modules that provide key features of the Spring framework.
  • Data Access/Integration: These modules support JDBC and ORM data access approaches in Spring applications.
  • Web: These modules provide support to implement web applications.
  • Others: Spring also provides few other modules such as the Test for testing Spring applications.
Core Container of Spring framework provides the Spring IoC container and Dependency Injection features.

Spring Framework - Modules
  • Spring Modules - Core Container

Core container has the following modules:
  • CoreThis is the key module of Spring Framework which provides fundamental support on which all other modules of the framework are dependent.
  • Bean: This module provides a basic Spring container called BeanFactory. 
  • ContextThis module provides one more Spring container called ApplicationContext which inherits the basic features of the BeanFactory container and also provides additional features to support enterprise application development. 
  • Spring Expression Language (SpEL)This module is used for querying/manipulating object value.
  • AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) and aspects: These modules help in isolating cross-cutting functionality from business logic.

  • Spring Modules - Data Access/Integration

The Data Access/Integration module of Spring provides different data access approaches.
The following modules support Data Access/Integration.
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): It provides an abstract layer to support JDBC calls to relational databases.
  • Object Relational Mapping (ORM)It provides integration support for popular ORM(Object-Relational Mapping) solutions such as Hibernate, JPA, etc.
  • Transactions: It provides simple transaction API which abstracts the complexity of underlying repository specific transaction API's from the application.

  • Spring Modules - Web

Spring Framework Web module provides basic support for web application development. Web module has a web application context that is built on the application context of the core container. Web module provides complete Model-View-Controller(MVC) implementation to develop a presentation tier of the application and also support a simpler way to implement RESTful web services.
Spring Framework provides the following modules to support web application development.
  • Web: This module has a container called web application context which inherits basic features from ApplicationContext container and adds features to develop web based applications.
  • Webmvc: It provides the implementation of the MVC(model-view-controller) pattern to implement the server side presentation layer and also support features to implement RESTful Web Services.
  • WebFluxSpring 5.0 introduced a reactive stack with a web framework called Spring WebFlux to support Reactive programming in Spring's web layer and runs on containers such as Netty, Undertow, and Servlet 3.1+.
  • WebSocket: It is used for 2 way communication between client and server in WebSocket based web applications.
Spring Framework has few additional modules, test module is one of the most commonly used one for testing Spring applications.

  • Test:  This module provides required support to test Spring applications using TestNG or JUnits

The current version of Spring Framework is 5.x, the framework has been enhanced with new features keeping core concepts same as Spring 4.x.
At a high level, the new features of Spring Framework 5.x are:
  • JDK baseline update
  • Core framework revision
  • Reactive Programming Model: Introduces a new non-blocking web framework called Spring WebFlux
  • Functional programming using Kotlin language support
  • Testing improvements by supporting integration with JUnit5
Let us look at Spring core relevant changes in detail:

JDK baseline update

The entire Spring framework 5.x codebase runs on Java 8 and designed to work with Java 9. Therefore, Java 8 is the minimum requirement to work on Spring Framework 5.x

Core framework revision

The core Spring Framework 5.x has been revised, one of the main changes is Spring comes with its own commons-logging through spring-jcl jar instead of standard Commons Logging.

There are few more changes in Spring 5.x with respect to library support and discontinued support, you can refer New in Spring Framework 5.x for additional details.

The development team needs to implement a Spring application with the data access layer to perform the required database operations
  • Core
  • ORM
An online shopping web application has to be developed with the data access layer to get item details
  • Web
  • Core container
  • Data Access modules - JDBC/ORM
A Banking application business layer has been developed using Spring Core and AOP modules, data access layer using Spring Data Access/Integration module. The development team wants to implement the presentation tier of the application using simple Model-View-Controller architecture. 
  • webmvc
  • web
Spring IoC


Inversion of Control (IoC) helps in creating a more loosely coupled application. IoC represents the inversion of the responsibility of application object's creation, initialization and destruction from the application to the third party such as framework. Now the third party takes care of application object management and dependencies there by making an application easy to maintain, test and reuse.
There are many approaches to implement IoC, Spring Framework provides IoC implementation using Dependency Injection(DI).

Introduction to Spring Inversion of Control(IoC)
Spring container managed application objects are called beans in Spring.
We need not create objects in depenedency injection instead describe how objects should be created through configuration.
DI is a software design pattern that provides better software design to facilitate loose coupling, reuse and ease of testing.

Benefits of Dependency Injection(DI):
  • Helps to create loosely coupled application architecture facilitating re-usability and easy testing.
  • Separation of responsibility by keeping code and configuration separately. Hence dependencies can be easily modified using configuration without changing the code.
  • Allows to replace actual objects with mock objects for testing, this improves testability by writing simple JUnit tests that use mock objects.

The core container module of Spring framework provide IoC using Dependency Injection.  
The Spring container knows which objects to create and when to create through the additional details that we provide in our application called Configuration Metadata.

  1. Application logic is provided through POJO classes.
  2. Configuration metadata consists of bean definitions that the container must manage.
  3. IoC container produces objects required by the application using POJO classes and configuration metadata. IoC container is of two types – BeanFactory and ApplicationContext.
Spring provides two types of containers
  • It is the basic Spring container with features to instantiate, configure and manage the beans. 
  • org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory is the main interface representing a BeanFactory container.
  • ApplicationContext is one more Spring container that is more commonly used in Spring applications. 
  • org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext is the main Interface representing an ApplicationContext container. 
  • It inherits the BeanFactory features and provides added features to support enterprise services such as internationalization, validation, etc.
ApplicationContext is the preferred container for Spring application development.
Spring IoC - Containers
org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext is one of the most commonly used implementation of ApplicationContext. 
Example: ApplicationContext container instantiation.

  1. ApplicationContext container is instantiated by loading the configuration from the config.xml file available in CLASSPATH of the application.
  2. Accessing the bean with id "reportService" from the container.
Does not support annotation based Dependency Injection.
Support annotation based Dependency Injection.
Does not support enterprise services.
Support enterprise services such as validations, internationalization, etc.
By default it support Lazy Loading.
// Loading BeanFactory
BeanFactory factory = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext (“config.xml”);   
// Instantiating bean during first access using getBean()
ReportService reportService = factory.getBean(”reportService”); 
By default it support Eager Loading.Beans are instantiated during load time.
// Loading ApplicationContext and instantiating bean
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“config.xml”);

Configuration Metadata
The Spring configuration metadata consists of definitions of the beans that the container must manage.
Spring allows providing the configuration metadata using :

  • XML configuration
  • Annotation based configuration
  • Java based configuration
Spring IoC – XML based Configuration Metadata
In XML configuration, the configuration metadata is provided as a simple XML file describing bean definitions that the Spring container has to manage. 
Basic XML based configuration structure is as follows:

  1. Bean  is the root element & also includes namespace declarations
  2. Bean definition
  3. id attribute represents a unique bean identifier
  4. class attribute represents a fully qualified class name 
Demo : Spring IoC
  • To understand how to define a bean in the configuration file
  • Learn how to access bean and instantiate Spring container in an application


To understand how to instantiate ApplicationContext, define a bean in the configuration file and also learn how to access the bean in Spring application.

Required Files

  • ReportService.java
  • config.xml
  • Client.java

Required Jars

  • spring-core-5.0.5.RELEASE.jar
  • spring-beans-5.0.5.RELEASE.jar
  • spring-context-5.0.5.RELEASE.jar
  • spring-expression-5.0.5.RELEASE.jar
  • spring-jcl-5.0.5.RELEASE.jar

Demo Steps

Step 1: Create a project as follows
  • File -> New -> Other -> Java Project -> Provide name of the project(demo1-spring-ioc) and click Finish
    Step 2: Create a package "com.infosys.service" as below
    • Right click on src folder -> New -> Package -> Provide package name(com.infosys.service) and click Finish
    Step 3: Create a class "ReportService.java" as below
    • Right click on com.infosys.service package -> New -> Class -> Provide class name (ReportService.java) and click Finish. Write below code.
    1. package com.infosys.service;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. public void display() {
    4. System.out.println("Hi, Welcome to Report Generation application");
    5. }
    6. }
    Step 4: Create a configuration file "config.xml" as below with required bean definitions
    • Right click on src folder New -> Other -> XML -> XML file -> click on Next -> Provide xml file name(config.xml) and click Finish. Write below code in "config.xml"
    1. xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    2. / xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    4. xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
    5. http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd">/
    6. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.service.ReportService"/> /bean
    In the above given bean definition :
    • reportService --> bean id
    • com.infosys.service.ReportService --> Fully qualified class name
    Best Practices
    • It is a recommended good practice to have bean id same as class name lowering first letter.
    • From Spring 4.x onwards, it is NOT recommended to specify the version details explicitly for the referenced xsd's in the declaration section. Spring takes care of version details from the application classpath.
    • Spring configuration xml file name is user defined and hence you can give any meaningful name of your choice.
    Step 5: Follow the below step to add required jars to the classpath
    • Right click on project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Choose "Libraries" option -> Click on "Add External JARs" -> Browse and add required jars and click OK

    Step 6: Create a package "com.infosys.client" and then create a class "Client.java" in this package and below code.
    1. *
    2. * The Class Client.
    3. */
    4. public class Client{
    5. public static void main(String[] args) {
    6. //ApplicationContext container is instantiated by loading the configuration from config.xml available in application classpath
    7. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    8. // Accessing bean with id "reportService" and typecast from Object type to ReportService type
    9. ReportService reportService = (ReportService) context.getBean("reportService");
    10. // Invoking display method of ReportService to display greeting on console
    11. reportService.display();
    12. }
    13. }
    Step 7: Follow the below step to run the application
    • Right click on Client file(which has main method) -> Run As -> Java Application


    • You can observe below response on the console.
    Since we are not explicitly closing the context in the client code, there will be a warning for resource leakage, you can use one more interface from Spring "AbstractApplicationContext" as shown below which has a method to close the context explicitly.
    1. public class Client{
    2. public static void main(String[] args) {
    3. AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    4. -------------------
    5. context.close();
    6. }
    7. }
    Consider the previous demo to display the welcome message using Spring.
    1. In the client code Client.java
    • Replace bean access line "ReportService reportService = (ReportService ) context.getBean("reportService");" with this "ReportService reportService = context.getBean(ReportService.class);"
    • Run the application and observe the response
    • --@ work same as normal
    1. Now, in the configuration file config.xml
    • Define one more bean of ReportService class with id reportService2
    • Run the application and observe the response
    • --@Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.infosys.service.ReportService' available: expected single matching bean but found 2: reportService,reportService2
    1. In the client code
    • Now use this line for accessing bean "ReportService reportService = context.getBean("reportService2"ReportService.class);"
    • Run the application and observe the response.
    • --@code will work as normal
    There are different ways to access bean in Spring
        1. Traditional way of accessing bean based on bean id with explicit type cast
    1. ReportService reportService = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
          2. Accessing bean based on class type to avoid type cast if there is unique bean of type in the container
    1. ReportService reportService = context.getBean(ReportService.class);
    1. Accessing bean through bean id and also type to avoid explicit type cast
    1. ReportService reportService = context.getBean("reportService2", ReportService.class);
    Introduction to Dependency Injection

    Dependency Injection
    For the previously discussed report generation application, we defined ReportService bean as shown below
    1. bean id = "reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" > /bean
    This is same as the below Java code wherein an instance is created and initialized with default values using default constructor.
    1. ReportService reportService = new ReportService();

    How do we initialize bean with some specific values in Spring?

    This can be achieved through Dependency Injection in Spring.
    Inversion of Control pattern is achieved through Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring. In Dependency Injection, developer need not create the objects but specify how they should be created through configuration.
    Spring container uses one of these two ways to initialize the properties:

    • Constructor Injection: This is achieved when the container invokes parameterized constructor to initialize the properties of a class
    Primitive values
    • by name = constructor-arg name="totalRecords" value="500" /,
    • type constructor-arg value="200.00" type = "double"/
    • index= constructor-arg value="500" index="1" /
    Non Primitive constructor-arg name="master" ref="pdfReportGenerator" /
    • Setter Injection: This is achieved when the container invokes setter methods of a class to initialize the properties after invoking a default construct
    Constructor Injection - Primitive values
    Let us consider the ReportService class of Report Generation application to understand constructor injection.
    ReportService class has a recordsPerPage property, let us now modify this class to initialize recordsPerPage property during bean instantiation using constructor injection approach.
    1. package com.infosys.service;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private int recordsPerPage;
    4. public ReportService(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    6. }
    7. --------------------
    8. }

    How do we define bean in the configuration to initialize values?

    1. / bean id = "reportService" class = "com.infosys.service.ReportService"
    2. / constructor-arg value = "150"/ /
    3. /bean /
    As shown above, constructor-arg tag has to be used to inject the property value in the bean definition.

    What is mandatory for constructor injection?

    • Parameterized constructor is required in the ReportService class as we are injecting the values through the constructor argument
    • constructor-arg tag in the bean definition

    Can we use constructor injection to initialize multiple properties ?

    Yes, we can initialize more than one property. Let us take an example to understand better.
    Consider the ReportService class with two properties and parametarized constructor as shown below:
    1. package com.infosys.service;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. /** The properties. */
    4. private int recordsPerPage ;
    5. private int totalRecords;
    6. public ReportService(int recordsPerPage, int totalRecords) {
    7. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    8. this.totalRecords = totalRecords;
    9. }
    10. -------------------------
    11. }
    Define a bean in the configuration using multiple constructor-arg tags to initialize multiple values through parameterized constructor.
    1. * <bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.service.ReportService" >*
    2. * <constructor-arg value="100" />*
    3. * <constructor-arg value="500" />*
    4. *</bean>*
    Here first value "100" is passed to recordsPerPage and second value "500" to totalRecords of the parameterized constructor. By default, values are supplied based on the sequence in which the constructor-arg's are defined in a bean definition.
    By default, constructor-arg value is of type String specified within double quotes(" "). In case of different constructor argument type, Spring takes care of converting assigned String value to appropriate constructor arguments type if it is Java compatible conversion otherwise throws an exception.

    How does Spring resolve ambiguities if any in terms of passing values to parameterized constructor?

    From Spring 3.0 onwards, constructor parameter name can be used for providing value as shown below. Here the values are passed to appropriate constructor arguments based on argument name instead of in the order of sequence mentioned in the bean definition.

    constructor definition
    1. public ReportService(int recordsPerPage, int totalRecords) {
    2. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    3. this.totalRecords = totalRecords;
    4. }
    Bean Definition
    1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.service.ReportService"
    2. constructor-arg name="totalRecords" value="500" /
    3. constructor-arg name="recordsPerPage" value ="100" /
    4. /bean

    However Spring also provides two more attributes "type" and "index" which can also be used to provide values with clarity.
    Let us understand attribute "type". The tag provides attribute namely type, which can be used to indicate the type of argument explicitly.
    Consider this example wherein ReportService has properties of different type as shown below:
    1. package com.infosys.service;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. /** The properties. */
    4. private int recordsPerPage ;
    5. private double totalRecords;
    6. public ReportService(int recordsPerPage, double totalRecords) {
    7. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    8. this.totalRecords = totalRecords;
    9. }
    10. --------------------------
    Now, Spring passes values to constructor arguments based on matching type of argument instead of default sequence. Hence value "200.00" is assigned to 2nd argument of constructor and value "50" to the first argument considering the type of values.
    1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.service.ReportService" >
    2. constructor-arg value="200.00" type = "double"/> constructor-arg value="50" type = "int" /> /bean

    How does Spring resolves ambiguity among multiple arguments of same type

    To be more specific in passing the values, the tag provides "index" attribute to specify the index values of constructor arguments.

    Consider this example:

    1. package com.infosys.service;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. /** The properties. */
    4. private int recordsPerPage ;
    5. private int totalRecords;
    6. public ReportService(int recordsPerPage, int totalRecords) {
    7. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    8. this.totalRecords = totalRecords;
    9. }
    10. --------------------------
    11. }

    Now, Spring pass values based on index of constructor arguments. Here, index is 0 based.

    1. id="reportService" class="com.infosys.service.ReportService" >
    2. value="500" index="1" />
    3. value="100" index="0" />
    Here the value with index="0" is passed to first argument recordsPerPage and second value "500" to totalRecords of the parametarized constructor.

    Q1 of 5

    Consider MobileService class with two properties mobileNumber and model as shown below.
    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;
       //default constructor
       //getter & setters
    A Spring configuration file defining a bean of the MobileService class is shown below:

    *bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService" *
        *constructor-arg value="1234567891"/*
        *constructor-arg value="Nokia"/*
    */bean *
    The main method for the application includes the following instructions:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    What is the error in the above scenario
    ·        Attribute name is not provided in the constructor-arg tag of bean definition in the configuration file.
    ·        Parameterized constructor is not added in the POJO class.
    ·        Use of index/type attribute is mandatory in constructor-arg tag.

    Q2 of 5

    Consider MobileService class with two properties mobileNumber and model as shown below.
    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;
       //parameterized constructor
       public MobileService(long mobileNumber, String model){
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
              this.model = model;
    A Spring configuration file defining a bean of the MobileService class is shown below:
    bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService"/
    The main method for the application includes the following instructions:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    What will happen when we execute the above main method? 
    •         The default constructor of the MobileService class will be called to create instance and initialize with the default values as mobileNumber with 0 and model with null.
    •         Throws an exception as no values are passed to the parameterized constructor using constructor-arg tag in the bean definition 
    •        Throws an exception : no matching constructor found

    Q3 of 5

    Consider MobileService class with two properties mobileNumber and model as shown below.
    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;
       //parameterized constructor
       public MobileService(long mobileNumber, String model){
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
              this.model = model;
    config.xml - Configuration file as below:
    *bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService">
        *constructor-arg value="Nokia"/*
        *constructor-arg value="1234567892"/*
    */bean *
    The main method of the application is shown below:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    What is the output of the above code execution?
    •         Throws Exception as the constructor arguments are not passed in appropriate order in the bean definition
    •         mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “1234567892” for mobileNumber and “Nokia” for model 
    •        mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “0” for mobileNumber and “1234567892” for model
    •         mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “0” for mobileNumber and “null” for mode

    Q4 of 5

    Consider MobileService class with two properties mobileNumber and model as shown below.
    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;
       //parameterized constructor
       public MobileService(long mobileNumber, String model){
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
              this.model = model;
    config.xml - Configuration file as below:
    *bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService"*
        *constructor-arg value="Nokia" type = "java.lang.String"/*
        *constructor-arg value="1234567892" type = "long" /*
    The main method of the application is shown below:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    What is the output of the above code execution?
    •        Throws Exception as the constructor arguments are not passed in appropriate order in the bean definition
    •        mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “0” for mobileNumber and “1234567892” for model
    •        mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “1234567892” for mobileNumber and “Nokia” for model
    •        mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “0” for mobileNumber and “null” for model

    Q5 of 5

    Consider MobileService class with two properties mobileNumber and model as shown below.
    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;
       //parameterized constructor
       public MobileService(long mobileNumber, String model){
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
              this.model = model;
    config.xml - Configuration file as below:
    *bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService"*
        *constructor-arg value="Nokia" index = "1"/*
        *constructor-arg value="1234567892" index = "0" /*
    The main method of the application is shown below:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    What is the output of the above code execution?
    •         Throws Exception as the constructor arguments are not passed in appropriate order in the bean definition
    •         mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “0” for mobileNumber and “1234567892” for model
    •        mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “1234567892” for mobileNumber and “Nokia” for model
    •         mobileService bean of MobileService class type is created with values as “0” for mobileNumber and “null” for model

    Constructor Injection - Non primitive values

    So far, we learnt how to inject primitive values using constructor injection in Spring.
    Consider the Report generation application discussed in why Spring section of this course.
    ReportService .java class which is dependent on ReportGenerator object type to provide report generation in either HTML or PDF format.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. public ReportService(ReportGenerator master, int recordsPerPage) {
    6. this.master = master;
    7. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    8. }
    9. public void generateReport() {
    10. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
    11. }
    12. }
    Observe in the above code, ReportGenerator property of ReportSevice class has not been initialized with any value in the code. This is because in Spring dependency is going to be taken care in the configuration.

    How do we inject object dependencies through configuration using constructor injection?

    We can inject dependent object using constructor-arg tag with "ref" attribute.
    Following configuration is required for Spring to inject dependency of ReportGenerator through parameterized constructor.
    1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService"
    2. constructor-arg name="master" ref="pdfReportGenerator" /
    3. constructor-arg name="recordsPerPage" value="150" /
    4. /bean
    5. !-- Bean of HTMLReportGenerator type --
    6. bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /
    7. !-- Bean of PDFReportGenerator type --
    8. bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /
    For object dependency, constructor-arg tag has to be used to inject the dependency by referring to the required bean present in the container using ref attribute. Here, pdfReportGenerator bean has been injected to reportService bean using ref attribute of constructor-arg tag in reportService bean definition.

    • Objective :To understand the constructor based dependency injection in Spring
    • Required Jars: Same as Demo1
    ReportGenerator.java --> Interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public interface ReportGenerator {
    3. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage);
    4. }
    HTMLReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class HTMLReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated HTML Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
    PDFReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class PDFReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator {
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated PDF Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
    ReportService.java --> Service class
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. public ReportService(ReportGenerator master, int recordsPerPage) {
    6. System.out.println("Parameterized Constructor");
    7. this.master = master;
    8. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    9. }
    10. public ReportService() {
    11. System.out.println("Default Constructor");
    12. }
    13. public int getRecordsPerPage() {
    14. return recordsPerPage;
    15. }
    16. public void setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage) {
    17. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    18. }
    19. public ReportGenerator getMaster() {
    20. return master;
    21. }
    22. public void setMaster(ReportGenerator master) {
    23. this.master = master;
    24. }
    25. public void generateReport() {
    26. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
    27. }
    28. }
    config.xml--> Spring configuration in XM
    1. *?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?*
    2. *beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    4. xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
    5. http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"* *bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService"*
    6. *constructor-arg name="master" ref="pdfReportGenerator" /*
    7. *constructor-arg name="recordsPerPage" value="150" /* */bean*
    8. *bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /*
    9. *bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /*
    10. */beans*
    Client.java --> Client Code
    1. public class Client {
    2. public static void main(String[] args) {
    3. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    4. ReportService srv = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
    5. srv.generateReport();
    6. }
    7. }
    1. Parameterized Constructor
    2. Generated PDF Report with 150 records

    Problem Statement

    InfyGo company provides different travel services to its customers. There are many employees working in the company to provide these services to the customers. InfyGo requires a simple application to manage its employee details and also the loan details which the company offers to its employees based on their role.
    Following are the required functionalities:
    • Add new Employee details
    • Get Employee details
    • Check Loan Eligibility based on the following criteria
      • "Manager" and "GM" roles are not eligible for applying for a loan
      • If an employee already has taken a loan and it is still not closed also not eligible for the loan

    Application Architecture

    Class Description

    1. public class Employee {
    2. private int empId;
    3. private String firstName;
    4. private String lastName;
    5. private String role;
    6. private String department;
    7. private Address address;
    8. }
    1. public class Address {
    2. private String city;
    3. private String state;
    4. private int pincode;
    5. }
    1. public class Loan {
    2. private int loanId;
    3. private int empId;
    4. private double amount;
    5. private double emi;
    6. private int noOfInsatllment;
    7. private double balance;
    8. /** The status. It can be either "open" or "closed" state */
    9. private String status;
    10. }
    The complete code of this requirement is already implemented using Java. You can refer to demo2-employee-java-application from the downloaded demos.
    Now, as part of this exercise convert the above given Java application to Spring application by introducing the following Spring core concepts.
    • Define required bean definitions by initializing needed dependency using constructor injection in the Spring configuration
    • Client code has to access the EmployeeService bean to get the services
    In this exercise,
    • You have learned how to implement construct injection to initialize the dependencies
    Setter Injection
    Let us now understand Setter Injection in Spring.
    • In Setter Injection, Spring invokes setter methods of a class to initialize the properties after invoking a default constructor.
    • How can we use setter injection to inject values for the primitive type of properties?
    • Bean definition with property tag is used for setter injection.
    Primitive setter injection
    Consider the below example to understand setter injection for primitive types.
    Following ReportService class has a recordsPerPage property, let us see how to initialize this property during bean instantiation using setter injection approach.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private int recordsPerPage;
    4. public int getRecordsPerPage() {
    5. return recordsPerPage;
    6. }
    7. public void setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage) {
    8. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    9. }
    10. --------------------------
    11. }
    How do we define bean in the configuration to initialize values?
    1. id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" >
    2. name="recordsPerPage" value="500" />
    As shown above, the property tag has to be used along with attribute name specifying the respective property name of the class to initialize the value.
    What is mandatory to implement setter injection?
    • Default constructor and setter methods of respective dependent properties are required in the ReportService class. For setter injection, Spring internally uses the default constructor to create a bean and then invokes setter method of the respective property based on name attribute in order to initialize the values.
    • property tag in the bean definition
    Non Primitive injection
    How do we inject object dependencies using setter injection?
    We can inject dependent object using property tag with "ref" attribute as shown in the below example.
    Consider the ReportService class of Report generation application.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. public void setMaster(ReportGenerator master) {
    5. this.master = master;
    6. }
    7. public ReportGenerator getMaster() {
    8. return master;
    9. }
    10. -----------------------------------
    11. }
    Following configuration is required for Spring to inject dependency of ReportService through setter injection.
    Let us assume HTMLReportGenerator and PDFReportGenerator classes are present.
    1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService">
    2. name="master" ref="htmlReportGenerator" />
    3. /bean
    4. bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /

    For object dependency, property tag has to be used along with the name attribute to inject the dependency by referring to the required bean present in the container using ref attribute.
    Here, Spring creates ReportService bean with required dependency by invoking default constructor and then setMaster() method of ReportService class to initialize the dependent bean.
    • Objective:To understand the setter based dependency injection in Spring
    • Required Jars: Same as Demo1
    ReportGenerator.java --> Interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public interface ReportGenerator {
    3. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage);
    4. }
     HTMLReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class HTMLReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated HTML Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
     PDFReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class PDFReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator {
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated PDF Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
     ReportService.java --> Service class
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. public int getRecordsPerPage() {
    6. return recordsPerPage;
    7. }
    8. public void setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage) {
    9. System.out.println("Setter Method of RecordsPerPage Property");
    10. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    11. }
    12. public ReportGenerator getMaster() {
    13. return master;
    14. }
    15. public void setMaster(ReportGenerator master) {
    16. System.out.println("Setter Method of master Property");
    17. this.master = master;
    18. }
    19. public void generateReport() {
    20. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
    21. }
    22. }
    config.xml--> Spring configuration in XML
    1. ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
    2. beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    4. xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
    5. http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"
    6. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService"
    7. property name="master" ref="htmlReportGenerator" /
    8. property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /
    9. /bean
    10. bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /
    11. bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /
    12. /beans
    Clientjava --> Client Code
    1. public class Client {
    2. public static void main(String[] args) {
    3. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    4. ReportService srv = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
    5. srv.generateReport();
    6. }
    7. }
    Setter Method of master Property
    Setter Method of RecordsPerPage Property
    Generated HTML Report with 500 records
    Setter Injection in Collections

    how to Spring supports passing multiple values like Java Collection types such as List, Set, Map and Properties.
    Spring provides four types of collection configuration elements as given below:
    • list helps in injecting a list of values allowing duplicates
    • set helps in injecting a set of values without any duplicates
    • map helps in injecting a collection of key-value pairs where key and value can be of any type
    • props helps in injecting a collection of key-value pairs where key and value are both Strings
    Let us look at the below example with the list.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private List<ReportGenerator> reports;
    4. public void setReports(List<ReportGenerator> reports) {
    5. this.reports= reports;
    6. }
    7. // getter and setters
    8. }
    Spring configuration is as shown below
    1. bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /
    2. bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /
      bean id = "reportService" class = "com.infosys.demo.ReportService" 
           property name = "reports"
                  ref bean = "PDFReportGenerator /
                  ref bean = "HTMLReportGenerator /
    • The dependency of ReportService class on ReportGenerator type of object has been resolved using the new operator in the ReportService class
    As discussed earlier, the use of new operator makes application tightly coupled and hence any changes to the dependencies require appropriate code change and becomes tedious as the application grows.
    Now, let us re-look at the same application implemented using Spring. You can refer to the demo implemented as part of the constructor/setter injection.
    • The dependency of ReportService class on ReportGenerator type of object has been moved to Spring configuration
    Now, the Spring container is responsible for instantiating and injecting required dependencies based on bean definitions provided through configuration. Hence the application is relieved from looking for dependent objects and also it is very easy to change the dependencies based on the need without doing much changes to the code.

    Dependency Injection helped in creating a more loosely coupled application.


    Q1 of 4

    Consider the MobileService class given below:
    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;   
       public void setMobileNumber(long mobileNumber){
             this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
       public void setModel(String model){
             this.model = model;
     A Spring configuration file(config.xml) defines a bean of Mobile class as shown below:
    bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService"
        property name="mobileNumber" value="1234567892"/
    The main method of the application is shown below:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    Which of the following is TRUE about the above example?
    • Error as all the properties of the MobileService class are not provided in the definition of bean
    • A bean of MobileService class is created with the value of mobileNumber as 1234567892 and model as null
    • Fail to create bean as matching constructor not found
    • Fail to create bean as model value is not assigned through bean definition


    of 4  : Consider below given MobileService class.

    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;   
       public void setMobileNumber(long mobileNumber){
             this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
       public void setModel(String model){
             this.model = model;
     A Spring configuration file(config.xml) defines a bean of Mobile class as shown below:
    *bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.MobileService"*
        *property  value="1234567892"/">
        *property name="model"  value="Nokia"/*
    The main method of the application is shown below:
    ApplicationContext ac=new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    MobileService m = (MobileService)ac.getBean("mobileService");
    What is the output of the above code execution?
    • A bean of MobileService class is created with the value of mobileNumber as “0” and model as “Nokia”
    • Exception: Attribute 'name' must appear on element 'property' in bean definition
    • A bean of MobileService class is created with the value of mobileNumber as “1234567892” and model as “Nokia”
    Q3 of 4
    Consider the class given below:

    package com.infosys;
    public class MobileService{
       private long mobileNumber;
       private String model;
       //default constructor  
       public void MobileService(){  }
       //parameterized constructor
       public void MobileService(long mobileNumber, String model){
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
              this.model = model; 
      //setter method
      public void setMobileNumber(long mobileNumber){  
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;   
      public void setModel(String model){ 
              this.model = model;   
    Assume below given Spring configuration:
    *!--Bean definitions --*
    *bean id="mobileService1" class="com.infosys.MobileService" /*
    *bean id="mobileService2" class="com.infosys.MobileService" *
        *constructor-arg value="1234567891" /*
        *constructor-arg value="Nokia" /*
    *bean id="mobileService3" class="com.infosys.MobileService" *
            *property name="mobileNumber" value="1234642323" /*
            *property name="model" value="Nokia" /* 
    Choose the RIGHT options. Choose two options.
    • Spring does not allow both constructor and setter injection together in the configuration
    • Code works fine, it is allowed to use constructor and setter injection together based on need.
    • It is mandatory to define default constructor explicitly in this code example as there exists a parameterized constructor
    • In mobileService3 bean definition, it is optional to specify name attribute in the property tag.

    Q4 of 4 Consider the class given below:

    package com.infosys.service;
    public class BookService { 
           private List bookRepositories;
            //setter and getter methods
    Choose the RIGHT approach to define bookService bean from the options given below? Choose 3 options.
    a) Assume bookRepository1 and bookRepository2 bean definitions are available
    *bean id="bookService" class = "com.infosys.service.BookService"*
     *property name="bookRepositories"*
     b)Assume BookRepository is present in com.infosys.repository package
    *bean id="bookService" class = "com.infosys.service.BookService"*
     *property name="bookRepositories"*
            *bean id ="bookRepository1"  class = "com.infosys.repository.BookRepository/*
            *bean id ="bookRepository2" class = "com.infosys.repository.BookRepository/*
    c) Spring provides support for all the collection types such as List, Set, Map
    d) Spring does not support collection in the bean definition
    Exercise : Setter Injection
    ProblemStatement 1:
    Consider the Constructor Injection Exercise solution implemented for Employee scenario.
    Now, as part of this exercise
    • Use setter injection for initializing the required bean dependencies in the Spring configuration
    Summary: In this exercise,
    • You have learned how to implement setter injection to initialize the dependencies
    ProblemStatement 2 : 
    Consider the previous exercise solution implemented for Employee application.
    As part of this exercise, update Spring configuration for the following
    • Use setter injection for initializing loanService bean dependency
    • Use constructor injection for initializing employeeService bean dependencies
    Summary: In this exercise,
    • You have learn how to implement both construct injection and setter injection to initialize the dependencies
    Exercise : Constructor And Setter Injection
    Consider the previous exercise solution implemented for Employee application.
    As part of this exercise, update Spring configuration for the following
    • Use setter injection for initializing loanService bean dependency
    • Use constructor injection for initializing employeeService bean dependencies
    Summary: In this exercise,
    • You have learned how to implement both construct injection and setter injection to initialize the dependencies
    Comparison Constructor Injection and Setter Injection
    Constructor Injection
    Setter Injection
    Dependency Injection is through parameterized constructor
    Dependency Injection is through setter methods after invoking the default constructor
    Need parameterized constructor in the POJO class
    Need default constructor and setter methods in the POJO class
    tag is used in configuration file
    tag is used in configuration file
    tag "ref" attribute is used to provide dependency for Object type
    tag "ref" attribute is used to provide dependency for Object type
    Preferred for
    • mandatory dependencies
    • Immutable dependencies
    • concise(pass several parameters once)
    • optional / changeable dependencies
    • circular dependencies
    Analyze : Dependency Injection
    Consider the below given GreetingService class which is having dependency on GreetingUtil bean. 
    1. package com.infosys.service;
    2. public class GreetingService {
    3. /** The greetingUtil reference. */
    4. private GreetingUtil greetingUtil;
    5. /** Default Constructor */
    6. public GreetingService() {
    7. System.out.println("GreetingService: Default constructor");
    8. }
    9. /** Parameterized contructor */
    10. public GreetingService(GreetingUtil greetingUtil) {
    11. this.greetingUtil = greetingUtil;
    12. System.out.println("GreetingService: Parameterized constructor");
    13. }
    14. public GreetingUtil getGreetingUtil() {
    15. return greetingUtil;
    16. }
    17. /** Setter method */
    18. public void setGreetingUtil(GreetingUtil greetingUtil) {
    19. this.greetingUtil = greetingUtil;
    20. System.out.println("GreetingService: Setter Method");
    21. }
    22. }
    Following is the GreetingUtil class which provides greeting details.
    1. package com.infosys.util;
    2. public class GreetingUtil{
    3. private String greeting = "Hi, Welcome to Spring!!";
    4. public GreetingUtil() {
    5. System.out.println("GreetingUtil: Default Constructor");
    6. }
    7. public String getGreeting(){
    8. return greeting;
    9. }
    10. }
    Following is the configuration:
    1. *!--Bean definitions --*
    2. *bean id="greetingUtil" class="com.infosys.util.GreetingUtil" /* // Bean Definition1
    3. *bean id="greetingService1" class="com.infosys.service.GreetingService" /* // Bean Definition2
    4. *bean id="greetingService2" class="com.infosys.service.GreetingService"* // Bean Definition3
    5. *constructor-arg ref="greetingUtil" /*
    6. */bean*
    7. *bean id="greetingService3" class="com.infosys.service.GreetingService" * // Bean Definition4
    8. *property name="greetingUtil" ref="greetingUtil" /*
    9. */bean*
    Analyze the above code to understand why above application execution displays following on the console for the above bean definitions.
    Bean Definition1 --> GreetingUtil: Default Constructor
    Bean Definition2 --> GreetingService: Default constructor
    Bean Definition3 --> GreetingService: Parameterized constructor
    Bean Definition4 --> GreetingService: Default constructor
    GreetingService: Setter Method
    Let us analyze the result of the previous tryout. 
    • Bean Definition1 --> GreetingUtil: Default ConstructorGreetingUtil: Default Constructor
    For below kind of bean definitions:
    1. id="greetingUtil" class="com.infosys.util.GreetingUtil" /> // Bean Definition1
    This bean instantiation internally invokes default constructor of GreetingUtil class for creating and initializing default values.
    Below is the equivalent Java code of above-given bean definition.
    1. GreetingUtil greetingUtil = new GreetingUtil();
    • Bean Definition2 --> GreetingService: Default constructor
    1. id="greetingService1" class ="com.infosys.service.GreetingService" /> // Bean Definition2
    This bean instantiation also uses default constructor and hence default constructor or GreetingService class has been invoked.
    Below is the equivalent Java code of above-given bean definition.
    1. GreetingService greetingService1 = new GreetingService();
    • Bean Definition3 --> GreetingService: Parameterized constructor
    For below kind of bean definitions:
    1. bean id="greetingService2" class="com.infosys.service.GreetingService"> // Bean Definition3
    2. ref="greetingUtil" /> bean/

    This bean instantiation uses constructor injection for bean dependencies and hence internally appropriate parameterized constructor of GreetingService class has been invoked.
    Below is the equivalent Java code of above-given bean definition.
    1. GreetingService greetingService2 = new GreetingService(greetingUtil);
    • Bean Definition4 --> GreetingService: Default constructor
    GreetingService: Setter Method
    For below kind of bean definitions:
    1. bean id="greetingService3" class="com.infosys.service.GreetingService" > // Bean Definition4
    2. name="greetingUtil" ref="greetingUtil" />
    Bean instantiation uses default constructor followed by setter method of specified property for injecting dependency. Hence default constructor and then appropriate setter method of GreetingService class has been invoked automatically.
    Below is the equivalent Java code of above given bean definition.

    1. GreetingService greetingService3 = new GreetingService();
    2. greetingService3.setGreetingUtil(greetingUtil);
    Introduction to Autowiring
    • It is not required to specify all the properties values while defining bean in the configuration. For non-primitive properties we can use the Autowiring feature.
    • If Autowiring is enabled, Spring container automatically initializes the dependencies of that bean.
    • There is no need to provide explicit property or constructor-arg with ref tags in the bean definition for object dependencies.
    • Autowiring cannot be used to inject primitive and string values.

    Spring automatically inject the bean dependency. The autowiring has four modes.
    • no (no autowiring)
    • byName
    • byType
    • constructor
    In XML configuration, autowire mode is specified in the bean definition using the autowire attribute.
    Autowiring Modes

    • Bean dependency is autowired based on the property name
    • If the matching bean does not exist in the container then bean will remain unwired
    • It internally uses setter injection
    • Autowiring the bean dependency based on the property type
    • Properties for which there is no matching bean will remain unwired.
    • Spring throws an exception if there is more than one bean of the same type exists in the container
    • It internally uses setter injection
    • It is the same as autowiring byType but through constructor arguments.
    • Spring autowire the dependency based on constructor argument type through constructor injection.
    • Spring throws an exception if there is more than one bean of same type exists in the container
     Default mode which means no autowiring
    Autowiring using byName mode
    Autowired using "byName" mode in Spring.
    In byName mode, Spring looks for a bean in the container with id same as property name to autowire the dependency.
    In the below given code, ReportService class is dependent on ReportGenerator bean.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. ---------------------------
    6. }
    For autowiring byName, following details are required in the configuration.
    • Define bean of ReportGenerator with id same as property name (Here it is "master" in the above class)
    • Mention an attribute autowire value "byName" in the reportService bean definition as shown below.
    1. *bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService"autowire="byName"*
    2. *property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /*
    3. */bean*
    4. *bean id="master" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /*
     In byName mode, it is mandated to have bean id same as the property name and also the respective setter methods as Spring inject the bean dependency internally using setter injection.
    above eg  has propertyname(class) and bean id (xml) as master

    • Objective:To apply Autowiring value "byName" in XML configuration
    • Required Jars: Same as Demo1
    ReportGenerator.java --> Interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public interface ReportGenerator {
    3. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage);
    4. }
    HTMLReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class HTMLReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated HTML Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
     PDFReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class PDFReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator {
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated PDF Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
     ReportService.java --> Service class
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. public int getRecordsPerPage() {
    6. return recordsPerPage;
    7. }
    8. public void setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage) {
    9. System.out.println("Setter Method of RecordsPerPage Property");
    10. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    11. }
    12. public ReportGenerator getMaster() {
    13. return master;
    14. }
    15. public void setMaster(ReportGenerator master) {
    16. System.out.println("Setter Method of master Property");
    17. this.master = master;
    18. }
    19. public void generateReport() {
    20. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
    21. }
    22. }
    config.xml --> Spring configuration in XML
    1. *?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?*
      *beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"     xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"   xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans  http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"*
          *bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" autowire="byName"*         *property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /*     */bean*
          *bean id="htmlReportGenetator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator"/*
          *bean id="master" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator"/*
     Client.java --> Client Code
    1. public class Client {
    2. public static void main(String[] args) {
    3. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    4. ReportService srv = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
    5. srv.generateReport();
    6. }
    7. }

    1. Setter Method of RecordsPerPage Property
    2. Setter Method of master Property
    3. Generated PDF Report with 500 records
    In the previous demo, modify the ReportGenerator reference name from "master" to "reportGenerator" in the ReportService class.
    Execute and analyze the response.
    In this exercise,
    • You have learn that bean id as to be same as property name for wiring the dependency byName.

    Consider the following classes defined in a Spring application:
    package com.infosys.service;
    public class MobileService {
        private String mobileName;
        public MobileService() {    }
        //getter and setter methods
    package com.infosys.service;
    public class PersonService {
         private MobileService mob;
           //getter and setter methods
    The Spring configuration file includes the following declarations:
    bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.service.MobileService"
          property name="mobileName" value="Nokia"/
    bean id="personService" class="com.infosys.service.PersonService" autowire="byName" /
    The main method for the application is defined as follows:
    ApplicationContext ac= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“config.xml");
    PersonService p1= (PersonService) ac.getBean("personService");
    System.out.println("I have : "+p1.getMob().getMobileName());
    Ans : throws null pointer exception

    Explanation :
    Yes, you are right!
    Autowiring using 'byName' injects dependencies based on the name of the property. As there is, no bean registered to Spring container with the name as 'mob'. The mob property of PersonService class remains unwired.
    The mobile name is not displayed as an exception is thrown.
    Autowiring using byType mode
    Let us understand how the bean dependencies are autowired using "byType" mode in Spring.
    In byType mode, Spring looks for the bean in the container based on type of bean to autowire the dependency.
    In the below given code, ReportService class is dependent on ReportGenerator bean.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. ------------------------------
    6. }
    In order to use autowiring byType, we need to provide following details in the configuration.
    • Define bean of ReportGenerator with any bean id
    • Mention an attribute autowire value "byType" in the reportService bean definition as shown below.
    In the below given code, ReportService class is dependent on ReportGenerator bean.
    1. *bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" autowire="byType"*    *property name="recordsPerPage" value= "500"/* */bean*
      *bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /*
    In byType mode, there is no mandate to have bean id same as property name as the dependency now is autowired based on type of property instead of the name. byType also requires the respective setter methods in the class as Spring inject the bean dependency internally using setter injection.

    In the previously discussed autowire byName demo, modify autowire attribute value to "byType" in the reportService bean definition and execute the demo.


    Consider the following classes defined in a Spring Application:
    package com.infosys.service;
    public class MobileService {
        private String mobileName;
        public MobileService() {    }
        //getter and setter methods
    package com.infosys.service;
    public class PersonService {
                private MobileService mob;
               //getter and setter methods
    The Spring configuration file includes the following declarations:
    *bean id="mobileService1" class="com.infosys.service.MobileService"*
           *property name="mobileName" value="Nokia"/*
    *bean id="mobileService2" class="com.infosys.service.MobileService"*
           *property name="mobileName" value="Samsung"/*
    *bean id="personService" class="com.infosys.service.PersonService" autowire="byType" /*
    The main method for the application is defined as follows:
    ApplicationContext ac= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“config.xml");
    PersonService p1= (PersonService) ac.getBean("personService");
    System.out.println("I have : "+p1.getMob().getMobileName());

    Runtime Exception
    Explanation :
    In the byType mode, dependency will be autowired based on the type of property. As there is more than one bean is available in the matching type it leads to an UnsatisfiedDependancyException
    The mobile name is not displayed as an Exception is thrown.

    Consider the previous demo implemented for byType autowiring.
    1. Modify the ReportGenerator reference name from "master" to "reportGenerator" in ReportService class.
    Execute and analyze the response.
    2. Now, define two beans of ReportGenerator class in the configuration.
    Execute and analyze the response.
    In this exercise,
    • You have learned that bean id can be different from property name for wiring dependency using byType
    • There has to be single bean of the required type in the container for byType autowiring
    constructor mode
    how the bean dependencies are autowired using "constructor" mode in Spring.
    In this mode, Spring does autowiring of beans internally byType similar to that of byType mode however here the dependency is injected using constructor injection instead of setter injection. Hence it is required to have parameterized constructor in the respective class.
    In the below-given code, ReportService class is dependent on ReportGenerator bean.
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. public ReportService(ReportGenerator master, int recordsPerPage) {
    6. this.master = master;
    7. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    8. }
    9. public ReportService() {
    10. }
    11. -------------------------------
    12. ---------------------------------
    13. }
    For using constructor autowiring, we need to specify the following details through configuration:
    • Define bean of ReportGenerator with any bean id
    • Mention an attribute autowire with value "constructor" in the reportService bean definition as shown below.
    1. *bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" autowire="constructor"*
    2. *constructor-arg name="recordsPerPage" value= "500"/*
    3. */bean*
    4. *bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator"/*
    In constructor mode of autowiring, again there is no mandate to have bean id same as property name as the dependency now is autowired based on type of property instead of the name. However it is mandatory to have parametarized constructor in the ReportService class because the dependency is now injected through the constructor.
    Demo : Autowiring by constructor mode
    • Objective: To learn how to apply Autowiring by constructor mode.
    • Required Jars: Same as Demo1
    ReportGenerator.java --> Interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public interface ReportGenerator {
    3. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage);
    4. }
    HTMLReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class HTMLReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated HTML Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
     PDFReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. public class PDFReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator {
    3. @Override
    4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
    5. return "Generated PDF Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
    6. }
    7. }
     ReportService.java --> Service class
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2.  public class ReportService {
    3. private ReportGenerator master;
    4. private int recordsPerPage;
    5. public ReportService(ReportGenerator master, int recordsPerPage) {
    6. System.out.println("Parameterized Constructor");
    7. this.master = master;
    8. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    9. }
    10. public ReportService() {
    11. System.out.println("Default Constructor");
    12. }
    13. public int getRecordsPerPage() {
    14. return recordsPerPage;
    15. }
    16. public void setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage) {
    17. System.out.print("Setter Method of recordsPerPage property");
    18. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
    19. }
    20. public ReportGenerator getMaster() {
    21. return master;
    22. }
    23. public void setMaster(ReportGenerator master) {
    24. System.out.print("Setter Method of master property");
    25. this.master = master;
    26. } 
    27. public void generateReport() {
    28. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
    29. }
    30. }
     config.xml--> Spring configuration in XML
    1. *?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?*
    2. *beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    4. xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
    5. http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"*
    6. *bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" autowire="constructor"*
    7. *constructor-arg name="recordsPerPage" value="150" /*
    8. */bean*
    9. *bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /*
    10. */beans*
     Client.java --> Client Code
    1. package com.infosys.demo;
    2. import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
    3. import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
    4. public class Client {
    5. public static void main(String[] args) {
    6. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
    7. ReportService srv = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
    8. srv.generateReport();
    9. }
    10. }
    1. Parameterized Constructor
    2. Generated PDF Report with 150 record

    Consider the following classes defined in a Spring Application:

    package com.infosys.service;
    public class MobileService {
        private String mobileName;
        public MobileService() {    }
        public String getMobileName() {
             return mobileName;
        public void setMobileName(String mname) {
            this.mobileName = mname;  
    package com.infosys.service;
    public class PersonService {
             private MobileService mob;
             public PersonService() {
                       System.out.println("Person: Default Constructor");
             public PersonService(MobileService mob) {
                       System.out.println("Person: Parameterized Constructor");
                       this.mob = mob;
             public MobileService getMob() {
                        return mob;
             public void setMob(MobileService mob) {
                       this.mob = mob;
      The Spring configuration file includes the following declarations:      
      *bean id="mobileService" class="com.infosys.service.MobileService"*
             *property name="mobileName" value="Nokia"/*
      *bean id="personService" class="com.infosys.service.PersonService" autowire="constructor" /*
      The main method for the application is defined as follows:
      ApplicationContext ac= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“config.xml");
      PersonService p1= (PersonService) ac.getBean("personService");
      System.out.println("I have : "+p1.getMob().getMobileName());
      What is the output of the above code execution?
      Person: Parameterized Constructor I have : Nokia
      Explanation :
      Accessing the mobileName property using PersonService instance is possible. It will return the mobileName value.As the autowiring is done by constructor, the default constructor is not called. The value of mobileName attribute is set to Nokia, and not null

      no mode
      Another mode of autowiring is "no", which means no autowiring. Dependency is explicitly wired using property name="propertyName" ref="beanId" in setter injection or constructor-arg ref="beanId" in constructor injection configuration in the configuration.
      In the below-given code, ReportService class is dependent on ReportGenerator bean.
      1. package com.infosys.demo;
      2. public class ReportService {
      3. private ReportGenerator master;
      4. private int recordsPerPage;
      5. ------------------------------------
      6. }
      Following is the required configuration, wherein reportService bean dependent beans are explicitly autowired.
      1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" autowire="no"
      2. property name="master" ref="htmlGenerator" /
      3. property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /
      4. /bean
      5. bean id="htmlReportGenerator"class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /
       "no" mode of autowiring is the default one in case of autowiring attribute is not present explicitly in the bean definition.
      Following reportService bean definition is equivalent to the above shown reportService bean definition.
      1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService"
      2. property name="master" ref="htmlGenerator" /
      3. property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /
      4. /bean
      In the previous demo, modify the autowire attribute value to "no" in the Spring configuration reportService bean definition, inject the required dependency explicitly and observe the result.

      Consider the following classes defined in a Spring Application:
      package com.infosys.service;
      public class MobileService {
           long mobileNumber;
           String model;
           public MobileService(long mobileNumber, String model) {
              this.mobileNumber = mobileNumber;
              this.model = model;
           public MobileService() {
           //getter and setter methods   
      package com.infosys.service;
      public class PersonService {
           private Mobileservice mobile;
          //getter and setter methods
      The Spring configuration file includes the following declarations: 
      bean id="m1" class="com.infosys.service.MobileService"
                constructor-arg value="93423" /
                constructor-arg value="Nokia" /
      bean id="personService" class="com.infosys.service.PersonService" autowire="no" /
      The main method for the application is defined as follows:
      ApplicationContext ac= new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(“config.xml");
      PersonService p1= (PersonService) context.getBean("personService");
      ANs : Throws Exception
      Explanation : 

      Since autowire is set to no mode, the spring container will not initialize the dependencies of that bean automatically, the dependencies should be explicitly wired.
      The mobile name will not be displayed as an Exception is thrown.
      Autowiring ModeDescription
      Autowiring based on bean name through setter injection
      Autowiring based on bean type through setter injection
      Autowiring based on the bean type through parameterized constructor
      No Autowiring, required dependency has to be injected explicitly using property or constructor-arg ref attribute in bean definition
      Bean Scope

      The lifetime of a bean depends on its scope. Bean's scope can be defined while declaring it in the configuration metadata file.

      A bean can be in singleton or prototype scope. 
      • A bean with "singleton" scope is initialized during the container starts up and the same bean instance is provided for every bean request from the application. 
      • However in case of "prototype" scope, a new bean instance is created for every bean request from the application.
      Bean Scope - singleton
      There will be a single instance of "singleton" scope bean in the container and the same bean is given for very request from the application.
      In XML configuration, bean scope is specified using the "scope" attribute as shown in the below example.
      Here, reportService bean is defined as singleton scope.
      1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" scope="singleton"/
      This is the default mode, if not specified explicitly in the bean definition. In the below example, reportService bean has a singleton scope.

      1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService"/
      Consider the Report Generation application, let us define reportService bean as a singleton bean as shown below.
      1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" scope="singleton"
      2. property name="master" ref="htmlReportGenerator" /
      3. property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /
      4. /bean
      5. bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /
      In the above example, both reportService and htmlReportGenerator (since attribute scope does not exist in the bean definition, by default it is a singleton) beans are in singleton scope.
      Let us access reportService bean in the client class more than once and compare their hashCode to see whether we are getting the same bean or different bean.
      1. public class Client {
      2. public static void main(String[] args) {
      3. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("config.xml");
      4. ReportService srv1 =(ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
      5. ReportService srv2 = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
      6. System.out.println("hash code of srv1:" + srv1.hashCode());
      7. System.out.println("hash code of srv2:" +srv2.hashCode());
      8. if(srv1==srv2){
      9. System.out.println("Same instance");
      10. }
      11. else
      12. System.out.println("Different instance");
      13. }
      14. }
      Execution of the above client code gives below result.
      1. hash code of srv1:1690287238
      2. hash code of srv2:1690287238
      3. Same instance
      In the above output response, you can see that hashCode of srv1 and srv2 are same indicating they both are referring to same bean instance in the container.

      • Objective: To use a bean with 'singleton' scope
      • Required Jars: Required Jars: Same as Demo1

      ReportService.java --> Service class
      1. package com.infosys.demo;
      2. public class ReportService {
      3. private ReportGenerator master;
      4. private int recordsPerPage;
      5. public int getRecordsPerPage() {
      6. return recordsPerPage;
      7. }
      8. public void setRecordsPerPage(int recordsPerPage) {
      9. this.recordsPerPage = recordsPerPage;
      10. }
      11. public ReportGenerator getMaster() {
      12. return master;
      13. }
      14. public void setMaster(ReportGenerator master) {
      15. this.master = master;
      16. }
      17. public void generateReport() {
      18. System.out.println(master.generateReport(recordsPerPage));
      19. }
      20. }
      HTMLReportGenerator.java --> Implementation of ReportGenerator interface
      1. package com.infosys.demo;
      2. public class HTMLReportGenerator implements ReportGenerator{
      3. @Override
      4. public String generateReport(int recordsPerPage) {
      5. return "Generated HTML Report with " + recordsPerPage + " records";
      6. }
      7. }
      Config.xml --> Spring configuration in XML
      1. ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
      2. beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
      3. xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans
      4. http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd"
      5. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" scope="singleton"
      6. property name="master" ref="htmlReportGenerator" /
      7. property name="recordsPerPage" value="500" /
      8. /bean
      9. bean id="htmlReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.HTMLReportGenerator" /
      10. bean id="pdfReportGenerator" class="com.infosys.demo.PDFReportGenerator" /
      11. /beans
      Client.java --> Client Code
      1. package com.infosys.demo;
      2. public class Client {
      3. public static void main(String[] args) {
      4. ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Config.xml");
      5. ReportService srv1 = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
      6. ReportService srv2 = (ReportService)context.getBean("reportService");
      7. System.out.println(srv1.hashCode());
      8. System.out.println(srv2.hashCode());
      9. if(srv1==srv2){
      10. System.out.println("Same instance");
      11. }
      12. else
      13. System.out.println("Different instance");
      14. }
      15. }
      1. 4849051
      2. 4849051
      3. Same instance
      Bean Scope - prototype
      For "prototype" bean, there will be a new bean created for every request from the application.
      In the below given example, reportService bean is defined with prototype scope. There will be a new reportService bean created for every bean request from the application.
      1. bean id="reportService" class="com.infosys.demo.ReportService" scope="prototype"/
      You can use prototype scope in scenarios where you need stateful beans and use singleton scope for stateless beans.

      bean id="customerService" class="com.infosys.service.CustomerService"
      What is the scope of the customerService bean?

      ANs : singleton

      A service class called MobileService is defined with two member variables mobileNo and model in the package com.infosys.service. A default constructor and getter and setter methods are also defined in this class. A Spring configuration file includes the following bean definitions:

      Ans : false

      Explanation :
      Yes, you are right!!
      Since the scope of the bean is prototype a new object is created for every request, so both “mobile1” and “mobile2” objects are different.
      No Exception is thrown as a given bean can be accessed any number of times.

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